World’s Most Powerful Clairvoyant Mediumship and Self Healing Development in New York City.

Spiritual Growth for Healing, Manifesting and Expanding Your Consciousness

Spirituality for healing, manifesting and expanding consciousness

Psychic Clairvoyant Mediumship and spiritual healing development classes in New York City.  Everyone is psychic, but not everyone knows it! Everyone has psychic clairvoyant abilities, but it can be easier for some than for others. Every psychic/medium is unique. Our psychic clairvoyant abilities and sense live in the subconscious, and it takes time and Practice to build up the psychic senses.

Psychic/Clairvoyance Development is a Commitment to Self Mastery. Spiritual healing is a prerequisite for Spiritual Power! This is the secret to expanding consciousness into superconsciousness!

Let us show you the proper techniques through our psychic development class in New York or online.  Reveal, Heal, and Awaken To Your Clairvoyant Self!

At Universal Core Healing, you will enhance your psychic abilities and Mediumship the safe way. You will be trained to start integrating feelings and images, patterns, and symbols into messages. It does not matter whether you are at a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level. Join our psychic Mediumship and spiritual healing development classes online NOW, where YOU will have the opportunity to release your fears in a supportive group setting. Learn from the most accurate psychic in the World. The easiest way to become the most accurate psychic is to Reveal Heal and Awaken Your Psychic Self.

No one needs to be saved or rescued! What people need is knowledge of their spiritual power! And how to access it.

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