Universal Core Healing is an online supportive community family of the world’s most accurate SPIRITUAL ENERGY HEALERS, MEDIUMS, AND PROPHETS. It is the “Science of the Soul.” Universal Core Healing delivers permanent healing, leading to Full Enlightenment! Reaching these states of full enlightenment accurately gives you access to all of your spiritual powers. Without any limitations! Clairvoyance, Remote viewing, Mediumship, Energy healing, etc. Will manifest beyond anything you thought possible.
Universal Core Healing identifies and locates the energy blocks manifesting your negative life patterns and disease. This is what we call working with the “Truth.” We call these Truths “Karmic Imprints.” Most, but not all, come from the environmental impacts of your history that are active in your subconscious mind, not your human brain. Working with the “Truth” allows healing to occur more rapidly. Universal Core Healers can see the energy blocks in your bioplasmic energy body and help you release them. Once released, healing can now begin. It’s not complicated, but your ego must be released first! Your human ego/brain will always prevent the “truth” from coming forward.
How Universal Core Healing Came To The World
“One night, I was awakened by a spirit that I never knew about, seen, or heard of. He called himself Babaji. He told me that I could now have an advanced spirit Master Teacher. I was shown an array of many known and unknown Historical figures. I replied, “How about your Babaji?”. About a month later, in the middle of the night, I was awakened by the most beautiful, moving, intricate Golden Symbol that was being downloaded into my subconscious mind.
It was the Subject Matter Of Universal Core Healing” given by Avatar Babji
Follow the link below to view more information on Tony the healing medium spirit teacher. “Avatar Babaji