Universal Core Healing

Most people ask how I can remove bad energy or improve my life. This is not the right question to address negative symptoms in people’s lives. As a beginner guru, you don’t have to ask what you can do to improve your life, but what is the “Root Cause” of your bad karma and disease in the first place? What is the root cause of the energetic blockage, aka negative recurring life patterns, barriers, and disease, and what is the power source manifesting this in my life?  With this knowledge, you can now connect the recycling of negative life theme patterns. Verifying and knowing the source of bad energy, “energy block,” is the first step in its permanent healing.

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First, Universal Core Healing practitioners use the superconscious mind to identify and locate the energy blocks inside your life theme and energy body. These energy blocks create negative recurring patterns and diseases. This means Universal Core Healing finds the “truth” about why you have this karma in your life in the first place!


We call this “Truth” the “Root Cause” of the negative manifestations in your life.  This “Root Cause” creates a “karmic imprint” inside your life theme.  This karmic imprint from your life theme carries over and makes a vibratory tonal scale inside your bioplasmic energy body.  Your bioplasmic energy body will reflect negative unhealed “karmic imprints.”


“Karmic imprint,” also known as the “truth,” is the energy generator, the power source behind your negative reoccurring life patterns and disease. In simple terms, a karmic imprint creates your bad karma and disease.  Universal Core Healing will show, assist, and help you permanently release this negative karmic imprint from your life theme.  This allows for lifelong, permanent healing.  


Universal Core Healing teaches you how to eliminate negative Karmic Imprints from your life permanently. It’s that simple. Once the negative karmic imprint is accurately identified, located, removed, and released from your energy body and life theme, long-term permanent healing occurs. This allows and delivers more spiritual freedom into your life!

In a supportive environment, you’ll be guided through addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual issues by learning the fundamentals of Universal Core Healing. Discover how to get to the core of any life-block and clear it fast. It’s an essential life tool for any problem.  Finding the root energetic cause behind your own and others’ conditions is a rewarding achievement – it’s a path to building a new life!

Watch the video below to see a student’s first reaction to her shocking experience.

Tony finds, identifies, and locates the "root cause," aka karmic imprint, that causes negative life patterns and diseases. In the video below