Third Eye Activation

The world’s most powerful Third Eye Activation makes you shake, rattle, and roll.

Stop living life with blinders on. Our third-eye activation will allow you to see the interdimensional truth. The third eye is the sixth chakra, where you listen to your inner voice, spirit guides, intuition, and clairvoyance. This helps you make clear decisions to reach your true purpose and mission in life. Activating the third-eye chakra correctly sets the pathway to superconsciousness. By activating the third-eye chakra, you will experience interdimensional beings and energies, setting yourself up for the spiritual awakening of a lifetime.

In the video below, Tony demonstrates his third eye activation powers to an audience who has never met Tony ever!!

Universal Core Healing Third Eye chakra Activation event delivers extraordinary powerful Clairvoyance abilities to you on the spot! Students experience seeing Tony morph into pure  Golden Light   And interact with Spirit Beings, “dead people,” Avatars, Fairies, Jesus, energies, and much more on the spot with their bare naked eyes open.   Activating your third eye chakra accurately doesn’t have to take a lifetime.   Universal Core Healing’s third eye chakra activation eliminates decades of wasted time and effort developing their higher consciousness and clairvoyance. This is a self-realization technic only done at Universal Core Healing. 

 It is not available outside of our teaching. You must be a member to be invited. You can be a member online. The instructor will notify current students about fees, how, when, and where with a year of attendance.

In the video below Jesus shows up during tony the healing medium third eye chakra activation event. See video below