Psychic development and Spiritual healing class in San Diego. Reveal your energy blocks, Heal your energy blocks, So you can Awaken Your Psychic self!!
I will start by saying, we have eight very important major areas in our lives.
They all need to have balance for our lives to operate correctly.
But first, we need to get rid of the “junk” that is in the way.
If you were going to paint a room, you would have to clean everything out, right?
Well, our internal lives need the same thing.
Most of us have no idea where to start, Right?
Well, we have an energy system in our bodies. It gives us access to the divine energy that connects us all.
We can unlock our energy centers, and purge all the “junk” from our minds, body, and soul.
Once this is done, it will enhance your health, relationships, and personal development.
When we choose consciously to embark upon this journey, the companions to our soul will begin to reveal themselves and share the critical wisdom they hold for us. From soulmate contracts with human friends (or foes) to contracts with angels, realized beings, the natural world, and more, Tony the healing medium will unveil the surprising pairings that may be waiting to spark your spiritual development and personal evolution.
What are you waiting for? Let Tony, the healing medium, help you on this journey. learn more
Remember, we all need to take that first step….
by Melody LeMesurier Artist/Psychic