World’s Most Powerful Guru Activates Your Third Eye Chakra On The Spot. “I can see dead people now” Psychic Academy-San Diego-online

Spiritual Growth for Healing, Manifesting and Expanding Your Consciousness

Spirituality for healing, manifesting and expanding consciousness

World's Most Powerful Third Eye Activation

Tony the healing has been anointed by Spirit Masters.  To show you the way to Heal yourselves and open the pathway to Enlightenment.  Universal Core Healing third eye awakening is like no other third eye chakra activation.  This is the real thing!!

Tony the healing medium has the most powerful third-eye activation in the world.  He delivers an attunement like no other.  Your third eye will be activated beyond anything you thought possible. You will see dead people in different dimensions on the spot in front of you.    In the video, Bonnie sees and hears her dead father in front of her immediately after Tony the healing medium touches her forehead.  Yes, tony is that powerful.  And he wants the world to know everyone has this ability too.  Tony’s energy is more powerful than most other guru.  He can prove it.  

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