Awakening Your Psychic Self thru Healing and Revealing Your life.

Awaken Your Psychic Self
Spiritual Growth for Healing, Manifesting and Expanding Your Consciousness

Spirituality for healing, manifesting and expanding consciousness

Psychic Mediumship Development to Spiritual Awakening made Easy with Universal Core Healing. Psychic abilities can be obtained rapidly and accurately through healing and revealing your life—the world’s most potent spiritual psychic course. There is no other like it. The spiritual awakening you will receive through healing and revealing your life thru Universal Core Healing will give you the psychic abilities you desire and more.

Spiritual Awakening is Universal Core Healing. Heal Reveal and Awaken Your Psychic Self.

This spiritual growth will change not just your personal life but also all aspects of your incarnation. It will change the way you respond from personal relationships to business etc.

  • You will be able to contact your guides for spiritual advice
  • You will be able to protect yourself from being psychically attack from negative people who drain you
  • You will learn to recognize the hidden ulterior motives of others so you can make the decisions that are best for your future
  • You will be able to heal your chakras so you have more energy and can think more clearly
  • You will know who is the best angel to call in to help you overcome a challenge
  • You will be able to clear any blockages to contacting higher beings
  • You will be able to attract more clients to your business

Developing psychic abilities is a choice like no other. When done accurately, it can open you up to all universal truths. Spirituality can be implemented for self-healing, manifesting, and expanding consciousness. It is a life-changing choice.

When done wrong can create stress and mental illness, in ones life, that can last a lifetime! Wrong with terrible consequences is opening your third eye chakra without any healing and revealing of your life. This is main stream spirituality here in America. It is totally different in other parts of the world. For decades I spent time in these places where I experienced firsthand spiritual teachers and students in the western world suffering from mental illness mainly because of subtle spirit possessions that they were never aware of. Influencing their thoughts and emotions. Why? Because they had done false healing on themself. A false healing is a quick fix feel good moment.

“A false healing.” Done with the human mind. 90% of the healing in the Western World is false healing. ? We here in America of very vulnerable to quick fixes. Because of our culture. Our ego etc. However, God already created the process for permanent healing. No matter how often you go for the quick fix 1or 1000, it will not work permanently. This feel-good moment fades away usually in a few days. This means your recurring negative life patterns or disease is still inside your life theme. This healing process is cosmic law, and we humans do not have the power to overwrite it. Universal Core Healing was created with Cosmic laws of creation. It is a fact, evidence, and truth-based healing. To put it in layman’s terms. UCH practitioners Identify and locate the root cause of all diseases or negative recurring life patterns. So the healing process is from the inside out. The root cause of all bad karma does not start in your energy body. Again it does not begin in the energy body. It starts inside your life theme. From your theme, when gone unhealed, it goes inside your energy body like a virus manifesting bad karma.

Universal Core Healing’s spiritual journey of healing and revealing your life to awaken your psychic self. It is nothing like any healing modality you will encounter in the western western world. Everyone has energy blocks that prevent them from developing their psychic mediumship abilities. “Everyone” Universal Core Healing identifies and locates and removes these energy blocks. Thereby eliminating decades of wasted time and effort.

Are you ready to learn the language of intuition? Do you want to better understand and act upon your inner knowing?

Universal Core Healing is all about expanding your consciousness. This will be a live online intimate class with a limited number of students. If you are aware of your intuition but sometimes fail to trust it, you will benefit from this class.

If you are ready to turn up the volume on your intuition and really trust it, this class is for you. You will learn the way Spirit communicates so you can understand and be confidently guided by your own inner voice.

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Reveal, Healing and Expanding Your Psychic Abilities