Annette describes the release of negative recurring life patterns and disease rapidly.

Spiritual Growth for Healing, Manifesting and Expanding Your Consciousness

Spirituality for healing, manifesting and expanding consciousness

Most people are fooled by energy healers. Thinking receiving or transferring energy to your energy body will change your life. While this helps and gives a feel-good moment it will not clear your karma. Negative recurring life patterns and diseases are in your body and or life theme because you have acquired karmic imprints aka energy blocks. These karmic imprints have a beginning and an end. Releasing, clearing, and or removing these karmic imprints demand identifying and locating the power source of how these karmic imprints were manifested into your life theme. Once you have the real truth, facts, root cause, and no preconceived ideas. The healing journey can begin. The truth is the reason why this is in your life. Without the truth as to why this is in your life no real long-term, permanent healing can occur. Revealing and Healing with Universal Core Healing gives you the “truth” While Universal Core Healing are strong energy healers. They are capable of identifying and locating this “truth” using their expanded consciousness. -online classes going on now

Your energy healing and self-discovery journey covers:

  • Negativity, bad luck, suffering, hardship, curses, and feeling stuck
  • Feeling lonely, depressed, isolated and disconnected and not living your purpose
  • Offer natural, energy, organic solutions to change your life
  • Provide Spiritual, Energy, or Holistic Healing – Complete Online
  • Start an empowering, natural energy healing career to transform lives
  • Reverse feelings of powerlessness, low-self worth, guilt, shame, and loss
  • Dysfunctional relationships with your partner, friends, work colleagues or family
  • Find real, spiritual solutions based on universal laws
  • Remove the manipulation agenda that operates on the planet (get off the “Matrix”)
  • Effects from sexual, physical and emotional abuse

Real Verified Spiritual Energy Healing

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