Getting Energy from someone is not Enough for Permanent Self Healing

Spiritual Growth for Healing, Manifesting and Expanding Your Consciousness

Spirituality for healing, manifesting and expanding consciousness

I see a lot of energy healers giving energy to people.  Mostly they have good intension.  However, the secret to permanent self-healing is finding, identifying, locating the Truth!  Most energy healers can’t do the above mention.  So the healing is only a feel-good moment.  It generally wears out in a week or two.  This is the very truth people need to understand.  Self Healing requires you to meet cosmic laws.  Part of this cosmic law demands you find the truth to your bad karma.  As said in all the holy books.  “the truth will set you free.”

Universal Core Healing is more than just doing clearings, extractions, and giving energy to someone.   Universal Core Healing incorporates the development of the psychic mind.  But its goal is to get the student to access their superconscious mind and learn how to use it. The building of psychic abilities is just the essential starting point.   By achieving this super consciousness, you’ll have the ability to access the truth about any situation in your life.  Whether it’s a question of why a disease manifested in your life or why does this negative reoccurring life pattern keep happening to me? Once Super Consciousness is acquired, you’ll have real accurate, truthful answers about anything in the Universe, Without limitations!  You will be able to go into your superconscious mind and receive the answers to anything you desire.   Whether it’s a reading for a client or a friend, its abilities and information are endless.

So why doesn’t everybody have super consciousness?  The answer is simple.  The ignorant human mind. Yes, the ignorant human mind! It reacts to the history of your human experience. The history of our human experience keeps us bound to the ignorant human mind. Yes, the human mind is ignorant! The human mind is very immature compared to the superconscious mind.  Here is our very own definition of ignorance. 



  1. lacking knowledge or awareness in general

Universal Core Healing is unlike most Energy Healing Systems that only focus on giving, clearing out and removing, extracting bad energy inside the bio-plasmic energy body. Most, if not all, do not and cannot identify accurately and precisely the reason why this lousy energy is your energy body in the first place.  Universal Core Healing starts with identifying the specific cause, the energy source, to why this awful energy is in your life. These bad energies are sometimes called “energy blocks.”, unbalanced chakra, etc.  In Universal Core Healing, we call them “KARMIC IMPRINTS.”

Karmic imprints are in your history of all your human incarnations, and your ignorant human mind reacts to them sub-consciously.   Upon achieving Super Consciousness, the ignorant human mind will stop responding to the karmic imprints in your life because they will be released and neutralized.   Super Consciousness can only be attained through Healing and Revealing your negative “Karmic Imprints.” This allows you to move towards your desire with little to no resistance.  Super Consciousness will free you from the ignorant mind!

Achieving Super Consciousness with Universal Core Healing



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