Activating your third eye Chakra doesn’t have to take a lifetime.
Third eye chakra activation. Tony takes the challenge. Whether his third eye attunement can deliver clairvoyance abilities on the spot to an unsuspecting audience in Big Bear, California. Here is what happened. “I see his soul, “the woman cries out!”
Universal Core Healing Third Eye Chakra Activation. Spirituality for self-healing, manifesting, and expanding consciousness. The third eye awakening is the sixth chakra, where you listen to your inner voice and intuition. This helps you make clear decisions to reach your true purpose and mission in life. Our third eye attunement brings about self-realization of who you are.. before the world told you who you were.
Universal Core Healing Third Eye Attunement delivers Clairvoyance abilities to you on the spot! Students experience seeing Tony morph into Golden Light, see and interact with Spirit Beings “dead people” Avatars, Fairies, Jesus, energies, and a lot more on the spot with their bare naked eyes open. It eliminates decades of wasted time and effort developing their higher consciousness and clairvoyance. This is a self-realization technic only done at Universal Core Healing. Universal Core Healing third eye activation gives you the spiritual power you need for spiritual healings, readings, etc. Spiritual power at its best.
Our third eye activation is an initiation into Universal Core Healing Tutelage. It comprises nine levels of different vibratory tonal scales. Perform at variable stages. Each one brings you more and more spiritual power! On the spot! In particular, our attunement opens powerful clairvoyance capabilities to see the human aura and energy field and its intricacies. We get a lot of requests internationally for this third eye activation, so here are the prices and policies to receive it.
The instructor will notify current students with a year of attendance fees, how, when, and where.
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