Powerful Psychic Development Delivers Permanent Self Healing and Clairvoyance

Spiritual Growth for Healing, Manifesting and Expanding Your Consciousness

Spirituality for healing, manifesting and expanding consciousness

Join us this week to receive a spirit messages from your loved ones in spirit! “the afterlife”

EVERYONE RECEIVES A MESSAGE!! And learn how we do it! More info

Beginners’ psychic development class is a beginner’s guide to opening the door to higher consciousness and connection to spirit. We will be working together to receive messages and signs from the beyond. We will focus on balancing our chakra and reconnecting our energy to the quantum field. We provide a safe and harmonious environment that will quickly help you raise your vibration to connect with your deceased loved ones. Join us and learn to strengthen your undiscovered natural psychic abilities! Self-healing is very important to our class, as we will have Reiki master onsite for energy healing as needed.


Check out our Third Eye Attunement Video. Our third eye attunement enables your clairvoyance to open up Rapidly and Accurately on the spot. So you can see between both spirit world and our world with your bare naked eyes open on the site in front of you!

Our Teacher and Founder of  Universal Core Healing have an extraordinary gift. He can teach you to see Spirit People”  Angels, Fairies, Avatars, and Cosmic Energies on the spot, with your bare naked eye open in front of you.   Instantly, with just his energy!! That’s right! See it for yourself in our video below. He is the only one of his kind in the Western World today.  He is very accurate in his psychic readings, but he holds the power of Universal Core Healing.  Tony can heal and remove bad karma. Yes! and he guarantees it.  You will see between both worlds interdimensionally.  Our world and the spirit world.  Eliminating 10-20-30 years of development. 

more info universalcorehealing.com


Students see Avatars, Jesus, Historical spirits,  their Spirit Animal, and Spirit Guides with their bare naked eye balls open and in front of them.   see below Video

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